What came up for my realisation on my birthday is the concept of NON-ATTACHMENT.

As I kept progressing spiritually, I kept having to let go of friendships and relationships that were close and had been very pivotal in helping me fulfill my different dreams along the way. However because I kept transcending myself, it meant my needs, values, dreams & desires kept evolving & that meant the relationships that had once meant the world to me had to be let go of. In their place I connected to new relationships that were more in alignment with who I was becoming. Some of the old ones took on a new dimension.

But that said, no matter what, letting go of any relationship that had once meant a lot to us can be traumatic and for the past year I had been doubting my past choices. But yesterday, on the day of my birthday, I had a very clear guidance that I had indeed done the right thing.

The message was that since GOD & life are always transcending themselves constantly, it meant that to be in & flow with the river of life requires us to constantly transcend ourselves. That means at different points in one’s life, one will have a different set of relationships with different types of people to experience different types of relationship experiences depending on one’s stage of evolution, life lessons to be learnt and limiting beliefs/illusions to be let go of. Once the purpose of the relationships are done, we are meant to let them go and move on to new ones. It does not mean that one is cold, detached, mean or ungrateful. The love we once shared will always be in our hearts but we will not be attached to that love, experience or the person any longer. Instead we will always bless the relationship, experience & person for all they once did for us and meant to us. At the same time we allow the relationship to be let go of with grace.

It is all about surrendering to the flow of life and our own spiritual evolution. Part of spiritual evolution is about letting go of all emotional attachments. Loving truly & deeply is not the same as being emotionally attached. Since we are from the ONE, what we do for our highest good will also end up being for the highest good of the other.